Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lend a Helping Hand with the Feed the Children Organization

Last updated Thursday, June 3, 2021 13:35 ET

The children of the world are in need and organizations like Feed the Children are taking the appropriate steps to help bring change.

Oklahoma, 06/03/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Now more than ever, individuals should consider giving back to their communities and helping others. Lending a hand to a neighbor shows that the world can unify and boost morale through offerings of love. COVID-19 has been hard on everybody and has raised awareness about the hunger that many families face during these times of economic hardship. Although the world is beginning to come to a new type of normal, plenty of children are still going without food regularly. Feed the Children is an organization that helps provide hope and resources for those without life’s essentials.

Feed the Children’s mission is simple in theory but requires the help of many to combat childhood starvation across the world. According to the Feed the Children website, they “manage child focused community development programs that focus on reducing hunger and malnutrition, teaching health and promoting self-reliance and nine countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.” This organization gladly accepts assistance from nearly anyone who is willing to help. They recognize that this battle against hunger is not one that can be done alone. They seek to connect with donors, partners, experts, volunteers, leaders, and communities. The organization is encouraging these leaders to lend their time, money, resources, and knowledge to continue raising awareness about childhood starvation and hunger.

To continue spreading awareness, Feed the Children also aims to inform about many of the natural disasters that directly impact the food supply and resources for families. On the organization’s website, aspirants will see ways to help send resources to those in need and also be informed on how certain disasters specifically and directly affect many families, and ultimately, their children.

Feed the Children has positively touched the lives of nearly 6,000,000 children and families in just the United States alone. With the help of volunteers and other collaborators, Feed the Children can continue to be a light at the end of the tunnel for more families and children that struggle with meal and food uncertainty. If you would like to be part of the solution, visit https://www.feedthechildren.org/ and get involved today. The website is easy to navigate and allows complete accessibility to make a monetary donation, sign up to sponsor a child or volunteer your time. Make an impact in the life of a small child and family by donating today.


Person: Travis Arnold, CEO
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-800-627-4556
Website: https://www.feedthechildren.org/
Location: 333 N. Meridian, Oklahoma City, OK 73107

Original Source of the original story >> Lend a Helping Hand with the Feed the Children Organization