Sunday, September 22, 2024

Google Can’t See Content Behind Captchas - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Monday, September 27, 2021 20:01 ET , Source: NewsService

Hiding content behind captchas is a bad SEO practice as Google's web crawler can't see what's behind them.

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Google says websites can run into problems if they hide content behind captchas, as its web crawler won’t be able to see it.

Googlebot doesn’t interact with anything when it crawls webpages.

If it lands on a page with a captcha blocking the main content, it will assume that’s the only thing on the page.

There’s ways around this, however. While captchas are problematic there’s no reason to stop using them.

This is all stated by Google’s John Mueller during the Search Central SEO office-hours recorded on September 24, 2021.

The owner of a directory site writes in asking Mueller if the captchas they’ve implemented to avoid scraping can impact SEO.

In short — yes, they can impact SEO.

But there’s a way to use content-blocking captchas that doesn’t interfere with crawling or indexing.

Here’s what Mueller advises.

Google’s John Mueller on Captchas That Block Content

Mueller makes it clear that Googlebot doesn’t fill out captchas — even Google-based captchas.

If the captcha has to be filled out before accessing the content, then the content won’t get crawled.

Google will be able to index the page, but none of the content behind the captcha will be used...

Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-cant-see-content-behind-captchas/421202/

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