Sunday, September 22, 2024

Google Answers if Links or Content Determine E-A-T Scores - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Thursday, September 30, 2021 16:25 ET , Source: NewsService

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Google’s John Mueller answered a question about what determines website E-A-T scores. They asked whether links played a role or if it was content based score.

John Mueller answered in a way that debunked the idea of E-A-T scores or that it is a technical or SEO factor.

What’s Up With E-A-T

E-A-T is an abbreviation for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. They are qualities that Google’s third party Quality Raters are tasked to look for when evaluating websites ranked with new algorithms that are being tested.

E-A-T is an ideal that Google has for sites that are ranked, particularly in search results for sensitive topics like health and finance.

Because Google’s Quality Raters Guide tasks the quality raters to check for E-A-T and Google also recommends that publishers use the guide to evaluate their own websites, many in the search and publishing community understandably want to know more about E-A-T in order to improve their rankings.

Some in the search community believe there is some kind of scoring involved for E-A-T.

What’s Up With E-A-T?

The person asking the question was trying to find out what SEO or technical factors might be involved with obtaining a high E-A-T score.

The person wants to know what determines E-A-T for a website:


Read Full Story: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/whats-up-with-google-e-a-t/421556/

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