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Major League Profits Offers Aspiring Entrepreneurs a Coaching Program

Last updated Wednesday, November 3, 2021 19:31 ET , Source: The Media Segment

Eric Michael and Jon Suarez started out as two students searching for a career that would be meaningful and financially rewarding. But as we all know, nothing rewarding ever comes easily.

New York, NY, 11/03/2021 / SubmitMyPR /

Eric Michael and Jon Suarez started out as two students searching for a career that would be meaningful and financially rewarding. But as we all know, nothing rewarding ever comes easily.

While Eric was doing an internship at a finance company, sitting in a cubicle for forty hours a week, he realized that this would be his life if he didn’t figure something out. The sense of urgency he felt wasn’t just about saving his career. It was about saving as many people as possible from a job they would undoubtedly come to hate and leading them to something better.

Jon always thought he might be a teacher, but he didn’t want to teach a core subject at a traditional school. While he watched videos on YouTube about emerging industries, an advertisement came on about creating a digital marketing agency.

It clicked - Jon wanted to help other emerging entrepreneurs through digital marketing.

It clicked - Jon wanted to help other emerging entrepreneurs through digital marketing. Every day, Jon dedicated himself to learning as much as he could about digital marketing. When he met his college housemate, Eric, they instantly connected, realizing they had similar ideas about starting a business and mentoring others.

Eric and Jon faced a great deal of trial and error getting started as most business owners do. They created an online store on Amazon, costing them $10,000. After that, they got into dropshipping and had their first profitable store in May of 2019, generating about 60k a month.

Unfortunately, they experienced a substantial setback with their supplier, costing them $30k. They then tried their hand at real estate but decided it wouldn’t work because they didn’t have a steady flow in profit. Eric and Jon decided to move to Florida to reevaluate their business plans. In March of 2020, they founded Major League Profits. Eric and Jon had a crash course in business before they had even turned 24.

The only mentorship program that is willing to guarantee ROI in the contract.

Major League Profits is a coaching program that teaches people how to make money buying and selling sports cards. “Our biggest thing is one on one guidance and holding someone's hand until they are profitable,” Eric and Jon explain. “We also offer tons of inside connections into the industry that help with grading, buying, and selling sports cards.” The value of these cards has steadily increased since 2010, and there’s no telling how much they will continue to grow. Their value has increased by 200% every year, and it is now an 80 billion dollar industry!

One of the best things about this industry is that the sports card market is not over-saturated.

Eric and Jon had already invested in selling these cards for six years before organizing the idea into a business plan. One of the best things about this industry is that the sports card market is not over-saturated. This means there is less a lot less competition, making someone’s chance of succeeding that much easier.

They made $3000 on the first day of business, and by the end of 2 months, they made a six-figure return. “We have helped people quit their jobs and have taught hundreds more how to create a sustainable side income,” Eric and Jon explain. “We also are the only mentorship program that is willing to guarantee ROI in the contract.”

It’s always been part of Eric and Jon’s plan to help others find their passion. So, once they found theirs, they knew they had to start a coaching program to teach others how to succeed on their own in the sports card industry. The program has already helped over 200 entrepreneurs by sharing everything they have learned from traveling the country and going to shows.

The first section of the course requires you to visit their site to learn about making your interests into a full-time job. Eric and Jon are dedicated to inspiring and educating others about making it in the business world. They leave us with this advice, “Invest in the knowledge that will give you skills to create a business that will print you money. The richest people on this planet all have one thing in common - they are business owners.”

For more information, visit Home - Major League Profits.

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