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Yext : Why Your Site Architecture Is Important To Your User Experience - marketscreener.com

Last updated Friday, January 21, 2022 11:13 ET , Source: NewsService

A convenient navigation menu and well-thought-out user interface design are paramount when it comes to positive user experiences.

Visitors to your website expect to be able to find what they're looking for as quickly as possible, and any time wasted will add to frustration - which will likely cause them to turn to a competitor's site instead.

Site architecture is what we call the planning of your site structure and the layout of your website's content and information.

How you group your data together, what categories you use to organize content, and how many you use are considered site architecture aspects.

So how do we utilize this concept to create a good site structure and great user experience? And what else can we optimize by focusing on the architecture of the site? Let's discuss.

What is Website Architecture?

Simply put, site architecture is how your web pages are structured. Like building architecture, you want a strong sense of organization and easy-to-understand navigation.

Well done, your website's structure puts your most relevant and engaging content in front of users first, while the more esoteric your content gets, there further it is from the home page.

That's not to say that anything you have available on your site is difficult to find, but some things will always be more accessible than others. Particularly if your site has a large number of important pages or products, optimizing your site architecture can be a huge help to your users when they're...

Read Full Story: https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/YEXT-INC-34555321/news/Yext-Why-Your-Site-Architecture-Is-Important-To-Your-User-Experience-37610610/

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