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Intertwine business marketing and backend systems to succeed - Heating, Ventilating & Plumbing

Last updated Tuesday, May 3, 2022 04:00 ET , Source: NewsService

Tommy Lee-Zmuda, installer and founder of The Boiler Business, explains why business marketing and backend systems should be combined, rather than treated as two separate areas of business development.

Do you often read comments like this: ‘Marketing doesn’t work. Pay-per-click (PPC) is a waste of money! Search engine optimisation (SEO) agencies, they’re all cowboys!’?

Last April, our Boiler Business article in HVP explained how to use SEO to attract new customers to your business. A year down the line, there seems to be much more talk among community groups about using various SEO and PPC companies to grow businesses, often accompanied by horror stories and mistrust of those that offer the services.

Marketing 101

So, let’s get back to basics and pull out the so-called ‘Marketing Manual for Plumbers’. SEO and PPC are both what we would call ‘top of funnel’ marketing channels.
The focus is to get new customers’ eyeballs on your business and encourage the customer to take action by filling out your online form or calling the company number to request your services.

Now, I’m not going to pull the rug out from under the knowledgeable, experienced, and honest people that serve this industry with those services and say that SEO and PPC aren’t valuable tools. However, content development and optimisation also has a vital role to play in your business’ long term development, which I’ll touch upon later in this article.

Leaky bucket

Before you get started on any kind of marketing...

Read Full Story: https://www.hvpmag.co.uk/Intertwine-business-marketing-and-backend-systems-to-succeed/13149

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