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In SEO, Google Says AI-Generated Content Is 'Spam' - Slator

Last updated Wednesday, May 11, 2022 04:05 ET , Source: NewsService

A senior Google employee has said the search giant treats AI-generated content as “spam” — and this could possibly extend to machine translations (MT).

According to John Mueller, Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, automatically generated content (or AI content) is considered “spam” because it violates Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

Mueller spoke on the topic during a Google SEO Office Hours hangout on April 1, 2022, in response to a question on writing tools powered by GPT-3. As previously mentioned, GPT-3 was, at one time, the world’s largest language model. (Slator recently featured another model, called Pathways Language Model (PaLM), also by Google.)

So why does content generated by large language models (LLM) like GPT-3 violate Google guidelines?

According to Google, AI content is generated programmatically. Therefore, because there is a high possibility that AI content can be used to manipulate search rankings (i.e., SEO) rather than help users, Google may take action.

Mueller pointed out that Google’s position on AI content has always been clear “since almost the beginning” — content created with GPT-3-based writing tools falls into the category of automatically generated content.

He explained, “People have been automatically generating content in lots of different ways. And for us, if you’re using machine-learning tools to generate your content, it’s essentially the same as if you’re just shuffling words around, or looking up synonyms, or doing the...

Read Full Story: https://slator.com/in-seo-google-says-ai-generated-content-is-spam/

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