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Another Look into Google Rankings: Actual SEO Media, Inc. Delves into "Readability" - EIN News

Last updated Tuesday, December 20, 2022 06:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Keyword-rich content can enrich users' research experience and allow a website to rank higher on Google.

Informational articles are a way to give visitors a company's expert opinion on a topic.

Although Readability is an important factor for writing content and pages on websites, it's not necessarily a ranking factor for Google.

HOUSTON, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, December 20, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Google considers various factors when ranking websites on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Some are widely known and understood, and others are implied with only circumstantial evidence. Many businesses new to SEO wonder if "readability" is among the many ranking factors. From its own understanding as a long-standing SEO company, Actual SEO Media, Inc. would answer this question with a "no, it isn't."

The Definition of "Readability"

Before going into why or why not this factor is something that Google considers when ranking, it's best to understand what "readability" even is. Readability is how hard or easy it is to read a webpage. Readability should hit a golden ratio for those considering the essence of search engine optimization (SEO). It doesn't seem like the page sounds too ignorant, but it is still understandable to a layman on the subject.

Readability in it of itself is a conglomeration of various factors. Popular tools like the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin have a section dedicated to "readability." It denotes aspects of the writing, such as passive voice,...

Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMid2h0dHA6Ly93d3cuZWlubmV3cy5jb20vcHJfbmV3cy82MDY3MDE4NjIvYW5vdGhlci1sb29rLWludG8tZ29vZ2xlLXJhbmtpbmdzLWFjdHVhbC1zZW8tbWVkaWEtaW5jLWRlbHZlcy1pbnRvLXJlYWRhYmlsaXR50gF8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZWlubmV3cy5jb20vYW1wL3ByX25ld3MvNjA2NzAxODYyL2Fub3RoZXItbG9vay1pbnRvLWdvb2dsZS1yYW5raW5ncy1hY3R1YWwtc2VvLW1lZGlhLWluYy1kZWx2ZXMtaW50by1yZWFkYWJpbGl0eQ?oc=5

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