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Marketplace SEO: A Guide To Optimize Listings - Search Engine Journal

Last updated Tuesday, December 20, 2022 06:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Marketplace SEO is the same as trying to get visibility on search engines, there is no silver bullet that gets you there.

Only those sites that invest in search engine optimization (SEO) tend to reap the benefits.

If you have an ecommerce site with products listed on it that are provided by third-party vendors, and your site brings the buyer and seller together (like Airbnb, Amazon, Etsy, and eBay), then we’re off to a good start.

You manage a marketplace website.

If you want your site to rank well for free on Google, then, yes, this article is worth your while.

What Is Marketplace SEO?

Marketplace SEO involves optimizing product listings on ecommerce marketplaces such as Amazon and Etsy to increase visibility and increase conversions.

You can look at marketplace SEO as its own niched specialty, because marketplaces have challenges and opportunities, unlike traditional sites.

As with “normal” SEO, your marketplace SEO must have sound website architecture that falls in line with SEO best practices, as well as on and off-page SEO strategies to ensure your page or product ranks highest.

Is this possible? Yes.

Is this easy? Not at all.

It is focused work, it is deliberate, and it is not a once-off exercise.

However, it is likely your competitors are not putting in the work, so the dividends are tremendous if you do.

As with all things digital marketing, your Marketplace SEO strategy should form part of a well-constructed, multi-channel, full-funnel marketing strategy.


Read Full Story: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiO2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNlYXJjaGVuZ2luZWpvdXJuYWwuY29tL21hcmtldHBsYWNlLXNlby80NzQwMDAv0gEA?oc=5

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