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Google Chrome's Lighthouse 10 now features two additional audits - Ghacks

Last updated Saturday, February 18, 2023 07:05 ET , Source: NewsService

Google Chrome's Lighthouse 10 now features two additional audits

The recently launched Lighthouse 10, which underpins PageSpeed Insights and Chrome DevTools, has introduced two fresh site audits that could prove beneficial for comprehensive site audits due to their emphasis on user experience and security factors. One of the audits is technically an extension of an earlier audit, but it functions as a new audit in essence.

Lighthouse encompasses various types of audits, such as Accessibility Audits, Best Practices Audits, Performance Audits, Progressive Web Apps Audits, and an SEO Audit. The two newly added audits belong to distinct audit categories within Lighthouse. One audit is included in the Best Practices audit, while the other is part of the Performance audit category.

The new bfcache audit

An often overlooked aspect of webpage optimization is the implementation of Back/forward cache, or bfcache. Bfcache is a type of cache that permits webpages to load instantly when users navigate back or forward within a website, thereby facilitating a smoother browsing experience. In the absence of bfcache, users are required to download webpages a second time when navigating backwards and forwards within a website, resulting in slower loading times. Enabling bfcache results in an immediate loading experience for site visitors.

‘The back/forward cache (bfcache) stores a snapshot of the page in memory for when the page is restored from the navigation history. This significantly...

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