Monday, January 13, 2025

How and why to create a brand - Search Engine Land

Last updated Tuesday, August 15, 2023 08:05 ET , Source: NewsService

The Internet has brought about one huge change in our everyday lives. These days each of us has a voice, and any of us can become a brand.

Whether that’s a good or a bad thing remains a matter of debate. Many people want to remain anonymous, and many smaller companies and sole proprietors don’t necessarily want to become “brands.”

But if this phenomenon is to be discussed from an SEO point of view, there’s no question about it: You need to become a brand to achieve consistent online visibility. As marketers, we always joke that brands win after every Google update. As the old adage goes – if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

There’s one fundamental reason for that. Brands (i.e., entities) are Google’s anchors that hold its knowledge graph together. If you become part of that map, Google is likely to hold on to you for years to come:

How to tell if Google knows you or your competitor as a brand?

The presence of a non-local (generic) knowledge panel that shows up for a brand search in Google is a definitive sign that Google knows you or your competitor as a brand (or entity):

Google Suggest also marks known entities with additional details (like a logo, an image, and/or a category):

You can also see which brands you are associated with within your knowledge panel. When researching your competitors, make sure this step is part of your audit: You need to be aware of these associations – Google certainly is.

How to become a brand?

There’s no one simple solution to becoming a...

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