Friday, July 26, 2024

SEO: the importance of getting it right - Telefónica

Last updated Tuesday, December 12, 2023 10:02 ET , Source: NewsService

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a set of actions aimed at improving the positioning of a website in the results list of Google, Bing, or other internet search engines.

SEO works on technical aspects such as optimising the structure and metadata of a website, but it is also applied at the content level, with the aim of making it more useful and relevant to users (Source: Wikipedia).

But in order for us to understand it better, I want to answer a number of questions that will help us understand “what is it” and “why is it so important”.

Why is it important to be well positioned on the web?

Imagine you want to open a physical shop selling clothes and fashion accessories, for retail sale (i.e. to end customers).

Where would you rent the premises?

  • A.- In the city centre
  • B.- In a busy pedestrian street
  • C.- In an industrial estate
  • D.- In an open space (taking advantage of a warehouse belonging to your cousin that he uses for storage)

Indeed, answers A and B are correct, as this is where we will have the largest target audience.
Answers C and D are not appropriate, as our target is the end customer, so we would find it very difficult for someone to enter our shop as they would never pass by, unless they knew us and went to the exact address to find us.

In the same way that we understand that having a physical shop in a suitable location is necessary for the success of our business, we must also understand this on the web. If we are not well positioned, nobody...

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