Thursday, February 13, 2025

Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise Briefing: Power Gauge Investor Live (by TradeInvestNow.com)

Last updated Friday, February 23, 2024 14:25 ET , Source: TradeInvestNow.com

Marc Chaikin is calling for a critical, election-year event headed straight for U.S. stocks. Find out more when you join him at the 2024 Election Surprise market broadcast on February 29.

New York, NY, 02/23/2024 / SubmitMyPR /

TradeInvestNow.com is thrilled to present to you the most intriguing financial tale of the moment. Marc Chaikin, the founder of Chaikin Analytics, has 50 years' worth of experience in the stock market. He has traded through 13 presidential elections. And next week, on February 29, Marc is stepping forward with a crucial 2024 election-year forecast about a dramatic event that has a 90% chance of hitting U.S. stocks around the Super Tuesday primaries. This conversation is free to watch online, but you must sign up in advance...

Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise Briefing - Click Here To Get The Details

Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise Briefing - What Is All About?

If the election coverage makes you want to tune out the news today...

I don't blame you.

But Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin says that would be the absolute worst thing to do today.

You see, Marc just detected a critical election-year event headed straight for U.S. stocks...

A big election surprise no one sees coming, but that Marc says we can predict with 90% accuracy, thanks to nearly 100 years of incontrovertible data.

There's an important reason why we're bringing this to your attention...

This will be the fourth year in a row that Marc has shared a critical market forecast that could have made AND saved you tremendous amounts of money.

Like warning to sell stocks before the COVID crash in 2020... to stay invested in stocks in 2021... to avoid the 2022 brutal bear market... and to steer clear of 2023's historic banking crisis.

Considering the accuracy of his past forecasts, today we're calling on all readers to tune in to Marc's 2024 Election-Year market event on February 29.

You see, Marc says the Power Gauge is now flagging what could be the biggest market surprise of the last several years...

An event Marc expects to take place in the days surrounding Super Tuesday.

Which is why Marc says your ability to do well with your investments this year depends on one decision you MUST make BEFORE primaries come to a close.

Marc will reveal the nature of this surprise in full on February 29.

We highly recommend all followers of independent financial research get the full story from Marc himself...

So please, take a moment to reserve your spot here.

What will Marc Chaikin share through The 2024 Election Surprise Briefing?

When you tune in on Thursday, February 29:

  • You’ll find out exactly what makes presidential election years so different…
  • Why Marc Chaikin is waiting until just before Super Tuesday to release his list for 2024…
  • And most importantly, the ONE move Marc recommends you make with your investments right now.

On February 29, Marc Chaikin will be unveiling his new top 10 and bottom 10 reports for 2024.

Everyone who tunes in will get to hear one of the ideas on each of these lists, totally free of charge, as a way to thank you for tuning in.

The 2024 Election Surprise - Claim Your Spot Here

When Is Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise Briefing?

Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise briefing has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, February 29 at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

How To Sign Up For The 2024 Election Surprise?

To get access to Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise, all individuals have to do is enter their respective emails here.

You'll receive free access to Marc's brand-new series, Three Election Ticking Time Bomb Stocks. Flagged by the Power Gauge, these stocks could see huge losses during the election year...

And he recommends you steer clear of them for 2024.

Remember, on February 29, Marc will be giving you the single most comprehensive election year roadmap he's ever shared during his 50-year career...

He'll show you exactly how he's come to make this prediction and reveal nearly a century of market data that has brought him to this inevitable conclusion.

Along the way, Marc will also share the name and ticker of what could be among the top-performing stocks of 2024...

Plus the name and ticker of a stock Marc predicts will go down as one of the worst stocks of the year.

Bottom Line: Should You Attend Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise?

Marc Chaikin's urgent warning broadcast is airing on February 29 at 8 p.m. Eastern time.

On that day, he's revealing why the presidential election changes everything for how you should be investing in 2024.

Unfortunately, he predicts most investors are about to be blindsided by a critical election year market event, heading straight for stocks.

And as he'll explain during his briefing, he believes this event will hit the market in the days surrounding Super Tuesday.

In other words, you'll potentially have a short window of time to act on his recommendation after the conclusion of his February 29 briefing.

Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise Briefing - Click Here To Get The Details


About Chaikin Analytics

Chaikin Analytics, which launched in March 2011, is a suite of stock research tools and portfolio management services that help pick winning stocks and drop losing stocks ahead of market shifts. The Chaikin Power Gauge Rating is the centerpiece of Chaikin Analytics - it’s a remarkably accurate indicator of where a stock is headed over the next 3 to 6 months.

You can contact the Chaikin Analytics team via the following:


About TradeInvestNow.com

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Original Source of the original story >> Marc Chaikin 2024 Election Surprise Briefing: Power Gauge Investor Live (by TradeInvestNow.com)