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Turmeric: This Weird Spice Is Being Called "The Spice Of LIFE"...See Why

Last updated Monday, March 18, 2013 16:00 ET

Do you take your health seriously? This spice is actually being called the "Spice Of Life" and many believe you should take this daily!

Tucson, USA, 03/18/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Imagine: An all NATURAL solution to all your health needs!! THERE IS!

"...potential for lowering CHOLESTEROL, reducing BLOOD SUGAR in diabetics, relieving ARTHRITIS, supporting LIVER function, improving digestion, reducing menstrual CRAMPS,reducing inflammation in the colon, wound healing, and preventing ALZHEIMER'S disease." - Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, The Oz Blog

Turmeric has been used in Asia for centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. It is and has been one of the most effective natural home remedies in the East but is very quickly gaining popularity in Western countries due to its extraordinarily potent phytochemicals, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-septic effects!!

The ingredient Curcumin, found in Turmeric, is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps cells prevent damage caused by free-radicals by interfering with molecular pathways involved in cancer development, spread, and growth.

"Antioxidants are compounds often found in plants that can protect the body's cells from damage caused by activated molecules known as free radicals." -Cancer.org

Curcumin is also known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Inflammation is believed to be a root cause of many diseases by a lot of people (including Dr. Andrew Weil, MD). That's why having an anti-inflammatory diet or taking supplements that have anti-inflammatory agents in them are important to keep in mind.

"It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses - including heart disease, many cancers, andAlzheimer's disease." - Dr. Andrew Weil, MD

It is believed that inflammation is the cause of many diseases from arthritis to Alzheimer’s to heart disease and other chronic diseases. Because it is possibly the root cause of so many serious health issues combatting inflammation is very important. Ever wonder why people tell you to take an aspirin during signs of a heart attack? Is an anti-inflammatory! However, drugs like aspirin and other NSAID pain relievers come with their risks. The Curcumin found in Turmeric is one of the strongest NATURAL anti-inflammatory we know of to date. In recent studies Curcumin supplements have been found to work just as effectively as over the counter pain relievers but is a lot safer to use!

- All Natural, Organic, No Fillers, No Preservatives
- Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflamatory Super Spice!
- Contains 95% Curcuminoids and Black Pepper Extract for Maximum Absorption and Effectiveness
- Has a Long History of Use as Herbal Remedy in Asia and Quickly Gaining Popularity in the West
- Highly Researched Yielding Several Benefits

As we age our cells are damaged by free radicals and oxidation. That is why we are constantly being told to eat fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants. Curcumin has been found to slow down or even offset the damaging effects to our cells by free radicals and oxidation.

The only drawback with Curcumin is its inability to absorb into our bloodstream without an outside component. Studies have shown the presence of black pepper to increase Curcumin’s bioavailability by up to 20%. Although there are a lot of Curcumin and Turmeric supplements out there most of them do not have this bio-availability factor thus making them less effective.

- Are 100 % Natural
- Have No Side Effects
- Natural Pain Relief
- Helps With Inflamation

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