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Wikipedia Good for Pet Care Says Igor Purlantov

Last updated Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:56 ET

Igor Purlantov Says Wikipedia Helps Keep Pets Healthy

Las Vegas, USA, 08/28/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

Most pet caregivers understand that having access to websites such as Wikipedia provides a wealth of knowledge and information about animals and how to ensure their well being says Igor Purlantov. Wikipedia has opened up unimaginable opportunities for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of animal rights and welfare. The unlimited access to this information coupled with the amount of encyclopedia information on animals available on Wikipedia is unprecedented. Today, websites such as Wikipedia have become some of the best sources of knowledge available out there when it comes to learning about animal rights and welfare according to Igor Purlantov.

Animal lovers are using Wikipedia to find out information on how to care for their pets and to learn more about animal rights and welfare says Igor Purlantov. The amount of information and material available on Wikipedia is astonishing and covers just about every imaginable animal related topic, from animal evolution, to various species, to animal rights and caring and treating for animals. Thanks to Wikipedia, Igor Purlantov says that animal lovers are now able to use the information and knowledge gained from the website to improve the lives of their pets and other animals.

One example of how people are using Wikipedia to improve the lives of animals according to Igor Purlantov is the situation when someone has a cat or dog that has fleas but they do not know exactly how this will affect their furry friend. That person is now able to go to Wikipedia and find out a lot of information on how the pet may have come in contact with the fleas, how the fleas are affecting their pet and what is the safest and most effective treatment to ensure the safety and wellbeing their pet. Thanks to this information, the pet is now able to get the most effective treatment and care says Igor Purlantov.

Unfortunately, pets cannot speak to us and share their problems so having the knowledge to understand and help them is very valuable says Igor Purlantov. There are many articles on Wikipedia that are very helpful in explaining how animals behave and how humans can detect abnormalities in an animal’s behavior. This type of information is readily available on Wikipedia and is essential for preventing diseases or recognizing dangerous situations like food or chemical poisoning says Igor Purlantov.

The animal articles on Wikipedia are edited by people knowledgeable in the areas of zoology and veterinary medicine which makes them highly accurate and dependable. Wikipedia has proven itself as a very credible source for knowledge in all areas including topics about animals, people have gained trust in her and they will continue to learn even more says Igor Purlantov. Wikipedia has enabled people to easily research just about any animal and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the animal world. Thanks to this readily available information, people now have a better understanding of how animals think and behave as well as how to take better care of them and understand their needs says Igor Purlantov.

There is no doubt that animals and people are connected by a common bond says Igor Purlantov. Animals have been and will continue to be our closest companions on this planet. Our quest for knowledge and understanding about animals will only continue to be fueled by information available on websites such as Wikipedia. Humans simply cannot survive without animals so we must learn more about animals and do as much as we can to preserve and protect their well being for future generations says Igor Purlantov.