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Farida Has What It Takes To Make This Great Project Shine On The Big Screen

Last updated Thursday, April 20, 2017 12:49 ET

Six Minutes is based on the true story of a deadly hate crime that took place in a holy Sikh temple.

Los Angeles, USA, 04/20/2017 / SubmitMyPR /

Farida and the Poison of Racism


The successfull actress Farida Abdel Aziz takes on the role of Sana in the recent short film on the subject of hate crimes called 6 Minutes, directed and produced by Sandy Sai. Farida will now be starring in the feature film based on the same story, and the short film has won best aspiring director.


Six Minutes has lots of action and a very quick pace that is very common in the best of thrillers. It’s based on the true story of a deadly crime that took place in a holy Sikh temple. A white supremacist inspired by racist propaganda stormed into the temple, and massacred innocent civilians. The premise of Six Minutes is both entertaining and educational, because it emphasizes the dangers of bigotry, and how one man’s prejudice can kill so many people. This short film is a reflection of our times. The story takes place in modern day America, and shows how Islamophobia can persuade people to give in to the forces of evil that exist in the world. Unfortunately discrimination has become more and more frequent in recent years, especially when it’s being directed against Sikhs, or anyone who looks or happens to be Muslim.


Farida’s portrayal of the character Sana is perfect and full of the raw emotion that one can relate to in moments of distress. In the film Sana is Ria’s aunt, and she accompanies Ria and Vicky on their trip to the Sikh temple. The moment that Ria and Vicky arrive a skinhead gets there a few minutes later, and shoots a Muslim couple as well as some Sikhs, who were busy praying inside the temple. In one specific scene Farida channels the feeling of a person trying to do everything in their power to protect an innocent child from harm, through the character Sana. The natural talent that Farida has enables her to act out this climax, of a scene as if she experienced it herself. She is an outstanding actress who is able to amaze and thrill audiences with her very realistic performance, of a woman attempting to save her life, as well as that of her loved ones from a hateful and murderous criminal.


The film’s catchy title Six Minutes is in essence a summary of what can happen to a person in such a short time span. In six minutes a person with a racist ideology, and with white power tattoos all over his body can slaughter numerous people, just because of the color of their skin, their religion, or because they’re different.


Farida has what it takes to make this successful project shine on the big screen. As a popular actress she will be able to bring her fervent passion for justice to life in the feature film. There is nobody in the entertainment industry more qualified for this role than Farida. In this creative film Farida understood her character’s desires, and was able to accurately play the part of a Sikh woman protecting a young girl, in order to prevent her from becoming the victim of a hate crime.