22nd April 2021 – BrainWings LLC is pleased to introduce itself as a service for occupational therapy and wellness. A new service to the area, the aim with which it was started is enormous. Today’s children are tomorrow’s future. The irony of the statement is that today’s children and youth aren’t as secure as they should be. Within the past year, many young people have struggled to adjust their lives as a result of the pandemic. Changes have affected all areas of their lives with a great impact seen on cognitive, physical, psychosocial, and mental wellness.
In addition, they are surrounded by things that can do more harm than good. From mobile phones to gaming devices, internet to technology, children, and youth are finding it difficult to find a reason to escape from their gadgets. Most children don’t enjoy time playing outside. They don’t spend time with their family and, unfortunately, families often don’t seem to be able to find adequate time for their children.
Children, especially pre-teens and teens, are detaching themselves from society. The reasons might be many. While some are valid, others could be totally avoided. Judith Goddard, the founder of BrainWings feels that overall wellness is critically important at the pre-adolescent and adolescent age. And if they are overlooked, the results could pose challenges in their mental and physical wellbeing. This in turn can have a huge impact on their everyday performance either at school, college, sports activities, occupations, or routines. Judith feels that this is the age where children discover who they really are. And their present surroundings can truly alter the way they might feel in the future.
There are many teens with or without special needs who face many challenges day in and day out. It is important to consider occupational therapy and wellness at this stage. Parents who have identified that their kids need some help in this regard need support. BrainWings, a Christian-owned service has an integrative approach that combines both Occupational Therapy combined with a Preventive Approach. The therapeutic models are designed to address the underlying issues and promote healthy interaction. OT helps pre-teens and teens participate and achieve success in their current roles and activities whether at school, work, or community, thereby bringing more meaning and purpose to life.
The benefits of Occupational Therapy are achieving emotional balance, a healthy body, and mind, ability to form healthy relationships, active and meaningful participation in activities assigned to them, showing interest in personal growth, improved social connections, increased self-awareness to identify their true potential, and to experience quality of life. BrainWings is serving teens between the ages 10-19 with or without special needs. They offer online consultation and education for parents, guardians, and caregivers in the Springfield, Missouri area. The company offers in-home services with prior booking in Battlefield, Brookline, Springfield, Marionville, Ozark, Mt. Vernon, Billings, Nixa, and Republic. Additional non-OT services to support movement and physical activity are also available.
To learn more visit https://www.brainwingsmo.com/
About BrainWings LLC
BrainWings LLC was founded by Judith Goddard, an Occupational Therapist. Started in 2020, the service aims to serve pre-teens and teens and provide them with the necessary tools to manage themselves, achieve independence, and reach goals while nurturing mental wellness.
BrainWings is one of the first Occupational Therapy & Wellness companies in the Midwest that serves strictly pre-teens and teens.
BrainWings LLC
Phone: 417-216-7352
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.brainwingsmo.com/