Those working and living in the Chicagoland area have more than likely seen their billboards already on their way to and from work. Now, the fastest-growing insurance agency in Illinois, Insurance Navy, takes to the airwaves with Chicago’s WTMX 101.9 FM “The Mix” with their series of ads.
“What was so great about the billboards is that they are the kind where the average passerby can look at them and say, ‘I could use that.’ Then, be able to stop at any of our locations and have budget auto insurance the very same day,” says Insurance Navy CEO Fadi Sneineh, “Our radio spots on 101.9 advertising our $39 basic coverage are the companion pieces to the billboards. ‘The Mix’ has such a vast audience that someone must be driving without insurance, or their policy is about to expire. We want them to know that we’re here to help.”

The three radio spots created by Insurance Navy can now be heard transmitted directly from the top of the Willis Tower. The 15-second ads serve more of a purpose than promoting; they also spread awareness of the new electronic insurance verification and traffic violation system now being regularly used by the Illinois Secretary of State and how driving without insurance can result in a license suspension.
Illinois has begun using a mandatory automatic car insurance verification system since July 1. This is a database known as ILIVS, which acts as a registry for every insured and registered vehicle in the state. Drivers are able to sit back while their auto insurance provider handles the verification with the Secretary of State. If one is found to be without basic insurance coverage, they’ll be given time to find a policy. Failure to carry insurance can result in license suspension and a $100 reinstatement fee.
“Following the law shouldn’t be expensive is our latest statement here at Insurance Navy. What’s more, not everyone is ready for change, even if it’s minor. Our latest effort this past month hasn’t just been helping new drivers find basic coverage, but transitioning all drivers into this automated age.” Sneineh said.
Sneineh has mentioned that Insurance Navy is interested in expanding its radio presence in the future with more spots. They’ve already begun reaching out to other Chicagoland radio stations.
About Insurance Navy Brokers
Insurance Navy is a provider of non-standard auto insurance, selling products in over 30 storefronts, a call center, and online ( in Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Texas, and California. In addition to auto insurance, the company sells other financial products and services, including homeowners insurance, renters insurance, and roadside assistance.
Contact Information:
Insurance Navy Brokers
Address: 2559 W North Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Phone: (773) 637-7669
Wicker Park, IL Location:

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Original Source of the original story >> Insurance Navy Ads Air on Chicago’s 101.9 The Mix