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King River delivers “ultra-pure” HPA for lithium batteries - The West Australian

Last updated Thursday, December 2, 2021 22:48 ET , Source: NewsService

King River Resources’ newly commissioned laboratory scale pilot plant is off to a flying start after it delivered an ultra-high purity aluminium precursor compound for application in the lucrative lithium-ion battery industry. The company says an inaugural run of the plant using its proprietary “ARC” processing technology delivered a 99.9995 per cent purity “Type 1” precursor product.

The test work falls under King River’s recently launched definitive feasibility study, or “DFS” that aims to leverage the company’s proprietary ARC technology to produce high value aluminium Type 1 precursor products for use in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries.

The company has engaged specialist scientific technology company, Source Certain International to conduct its testing and commission the new pilot plant.

A maiden run of plant using King River’s ARC process, referred to as “Campaign 1”, churned out the 99.9995 per cent pure precursor aluminium salt from an industrial chemical compound feedstock.

Management says the “excellent” result was confirmed through four duplicate analyses to generate an average purity value and improve confidence in the outcome.

Results from a now completed follow-up Campaign 2 are pending.

Campaign 3, a third run of the plant incorporating refinements and feedback to the processing steps used in Campaign 1 and Campaign 2, has now commenced.

King River is also attempting to determine if its technology can be applied to produce precursor cathode active...

Read Full Story: https://thewest.com.au/business/public-companies/king-river-delivers-ultra-pure-hpa-for-lithium-batteries--c-4801253

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