Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Parenting For Brain Shares Insights on Teaching Kids Gratitude and Empathy During the Holiday Season

Last updated Thursday, December 1, 2022 21:31 ET , Source: Parenting For Brain

Studies reveal children who show more gratitude are mentally healthier, perform better in school, and form healthier relationships.

Belmont, CA, 12/01/2022 / SubmitMyPR /

Parenting For Brain uses evidence-based empirical research and neuroscience studies to enable parents to understand and supplement their child’s brain development fully. The online publication aims to help parents raise healthier, happier, more successful children who are better equipped for the world ahead of them.

We all want our kids to be more grateful for the gifts and opportunities they receive, and we want them to be thankful when provided with opportunities and not feel entitled. Gratitude is essential and can help your children in more ways than you can even imagine. Studies have shown children who show more gratitude are mentally healthier, show better academic performance, and form healthier relationships with people.

girl receives a gift gratitude
Parenting For Brain - How To Teach Your Child Gratitude

Here is how to teach your child gratitude. Kids need to be taught the dynamics of how society and relationships work for them to understand gratitude. Although teaching kids outward signs of appreciation like ‘thank you” can help them show gratitude, this is not enough to build a deep sense of gratefulness in them. To cultivate meaningful manners and deep-rooted gratitude in your children, you must work on more than just signs of appreciation.

Empathy is another desired quality we want in our kids. We want our kids to understand, feel, and share others’ feelings. Teaching our kids both cognitive and emotional empathy is crucial to help them form better relationships in the future and be better citizens of the world. Here is how to teach empathy to kids.

About Parenting For Brain:

Online publication Parenting For Brain works towards providing science-based and easy-to-understand parenting information to their readers. Their mission is to help parents raise healthy, happy children. They support their readers with information regarding the childcare process to make parenting more scientific and intentional.

Their parenting tips and ideas are not based on anecdotes, opinions, or doctrine. Based in Belmont, CA, Parenting For Brain uses evidence-based empirical research and neuroscience studies to guide parents throughout childcare. They provide parenting strategies that focus on the holistic development of a child.


Contact Details:

Parenting For Brain

Phone - 650-753-9222

Address - 640 Masonic Way #1363, Belmont, CA 94002

Country - United States

Website - https://www.parentingforbrain.com/

newsroom: news.38digitalmarket.com

Original Source of the original story >> Parenting For Brain Shares Insights on Teaching Kids Gratitude and Empathy During the Holiday Season