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Blue Tree Coaching & Six Figs Collaborate on Mastermind Workshop “Side Gig to Six Figs”

Last updated Thursday, December 22, 2022 19:38 ET , Source: Blue Tree Coaching

Two of the most successful coaches announced partnering for a mastermind. The mastermind “Side Gig to Six Figs” helps female founders with service-based businesses explode their income opportunities.

Cleveland, OH, United States, 12/22/2022 / SubmitMyPR /

Coaches Sindy Warren and Meg Holiday’s partnership is one of its kind. Side Gig to Six Figs is the first ever collaboration between Blue Tree Coaching and Six Figs. Warren and Holiday have helped hundreds of clients start and grow their own service-based businesses, creating personal and financial freedom in their lives. They’re now teaming up to offer a 12-week bootcamp style mastermind to help female founders put in place marketing and sales plans to help them create repeatable and sustainable six figure businesses.

Side Gig to Six Figs
Side Gig to Six Figs

Participants will be assigned relevant projects that will immediately move their businesses forward. They are expected to be “all in” and will be held to high standards of accountability throughout the mastermind. This will enable them to get the results they seek out of the mastermind.

Sindy Warren is a Stanford Law School grad and HR expert who brings her expertise in running and growing legally legitimate businesses to the table. Holiday is a marketing and sales guru who will be teaching her highest level content exclusively in this mastermind.

Readers can learn more about how the collaboration between Blue Tree Coaching and Six Figs can help them start a side gig that makes them money by visiting https://sixfigscoaching.com/side-gig-to-six-figs.

“It is worth mentioning that the mastermind is limited to 10 people because we want to give participants lots of personalized attention. Everyone will get individualized support throughout the program,” Holiday stated.

About Side Gig to Six Figs

The Bootcamp-type workshop is one-of-a-kind and probably the only one for 2023 conducted by Sindy Warren and Meg Holiday. The goal of the 12-week-long workshop is to help participants set up their gigs to start making six figures. The workshop goes into all the intricacies involved, with the duo revealing everything needed to succeed.

About Blue Tree Coaching

Under the helm of lawyer, life and business coach, and published author Sindy Warren, Blue Tree Coaching works with individuals to help them achieve their personal and professional goals and lead fulfilling lives.


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Blue Tree Coaching

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Email: [email protected]

Blue Tree Coaching

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Original Source of the original story >> Blue Tree Coaching & Six Figs Collaborate on Mastermind Workshop “Side Gig to Six Figs”