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Digitalizing Trade Premium Fruit: How Awwws Aims To Sustain Agriculture and Prevent Malpractice Through Track and Trace

Last updated Wednesday, February 22, 2023 10:45 ET , Source: Awwws World

Awwws World has rolled out a blockchain-based food traceability system, allowing customers to have full transparency over the food supply chain.

Hong Kong, China, 02/22/2023 / SubmitMyPR /

Globally we have a crisis of counterfeit foods being sold to unassuming markets, which poses great physical harm to populations. Consuming these foods could be extremely dangerous and possibly lead to serious health effects.

For example, during Lunar New Year in February 2021, Hong Kong’s department of customs seized 196 cases of cherries that were being marketed as high-quality Australian imports. This seizure weighed almost 400 kilograms and showcases how rampant this problem actually is.

Lunar New Year is a major holiday for Hong Kong’s population and it is a cultural custom to gift fruit to family and friends. In general, fruit consumption is an integral part of a society’s agricultural habits. Therefore, after COVID and this incident, consumers became more concerned about the quality of their fruits and demanded more authentic imports.

Awwws World Limited is a Hong Kong based company promoting accessible high-quality fruits through track-and-trace technology using unique computer generated Authentication codes printed on fruit boxes. These authentication codes along with Awwws’ blockchain platform within their app makes it easy for consumers to verify the source of their fruits and conveniently purchase them.

They make use of their very own Awwws Edible NFT Ecosystem to enhance a user’s experience when searching for authentic fruits and give them power to modify their purchases in ways that benefit them.

Their company employs multiple sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure a worthwhile effect on the Earth:

  • Sustainable Agriculture

  • Good health and well-being

  • Responsible production and consumption

  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

  • Maintaining biodiversity

Awwws serves customers, fruit growers, and authorized dealers through their two apps: Awwws and Awwws Biz.

Awwws Edible NFT Ecosystem

Freeze the Dynamics (FTD) is the first part of the purchasing cycle that refers to growers’ ability to see exactly where each box of their produce has gone. They can see this by scanning the FTD printed label before sending out their boxes. The Authentication code label will continuously track the fruit throughout the supply chain process.

Growers will see what retailer their products have gone to, including the store location. Growers will see the exact time the fruit arrives at that retailer and will also see when it is purchased by a customer. All of this information is accessible through the Awwws Biz app.

For authorized dealers, they can use Awwws Biz to promote their high-quality fruits. Conversely, they can use the original Awwws app to purchase fruit from verified sellers. This link between growers and authorized dealers will create an attractive, more reasonable price for customers.

Additionally, Awwws lets authorized dealers and growers closely monitor analytics that define where their biggest profits are. Therefore, Awwws will become a time-saving, low-cost logistic solution for authorized dealers and growers to sustain their business in a tech dominated world.

If a customer wants to purchase fruit, they simply need to download the app, search Awwws for their desired fruit, and purchase an amount. From there, the order will be given to growers, exported to Hong Kong, and finally, customers will receive their fruit at their chosen delivery time and location.

They can also use the ‘Shops Nearby’ function on the app’s map to identify locations nearest to them for purchasing fruits. When customers retrieve their fruit, they can scan the FTD Authentication code and see the grower location it came from and other traceable data, which quickly assures customers that their fruit is authentic and trustworthy. Concrete data and the customer-oriented design influences users to prefer Awwws over spending more in stores for their fruit with less dependable products.

Awwws track-and-trace using Authentication code

Since Awwws’ founding in 2017, Hansen Orchards has been the company’s first client. Their historic partnership is now expanding as they launch 43° South Club, which strives to protect quality and counterfeit detection in Tasmanian imported cherries.

Howard Hansen, managing director at Hansen Orchards, describes 43° South Club's impact:

"Our partnership with Awwws solves a problem that's been happening for many years in an innovative way. The Awwws Edible NFT Ecosystem that the company utilizes for their apps takes stress off of growers like us when dealing with this destructive problem and lets us feel more in control of our business and the people we love to serve."

43° South Club cherries have the FTD Authentication code on each box and are traceable for growers and customers. The club will give season passes to customers for purchasing cherries through Awwws and will protect them from unfair prices and overwhelming demand for the fruit. These incentives will satisfy customers and Hansen Orchards since the growing period for Tasmanian cherries is simultaneous to Chinese New Year. Overall, the partnership will equally benefit all parties and prevent the production of counterfeit cherries.

Awwws would like to offer other fruits besides cherries, from around the globe, on their platform in the future, but for now founder Leo Cheung is focusing on supporting agriculture:

“Awwws represents ‘a world with wonder starts’ because our mission is to empower customers in a way that mutually benefits them and their communities. Creating this wonder comes from our blockchain technology because Awwws is uplifting customer confidence and sustainable agriculture. It keeps the customer and their desires in mind and also supports authorized dealers and growers to continue providing luxury fruits. This business model will positively impact the Hong Kong community, and the globe as a whole, through Awwws bringing back authenticity to delicious fruits.”

About Awwws World Limited

Awwws World Limited functions by using innovative blockchain technologies to provide traceability and higher authenticity for growers, food producers and authorized dealers within the agricultural supply chain. Awwws’ company mission is to positively increase food quality and accessibility for customers that intertwines with businesses who are producing these foods. Their strategies bring a higher sense of trust and prevent malpractice in agriculture, which boosts this industry. Awwws World Limited was founded in 2017 and is a Hong Kong based company.

Media Contact

Name: Awwws contact

Email: [email protected]

Original Source of the original story >> Digitalizing Trade Premium Fruit: How Awwws Aims To Sustain Agriculture and Prevent Malpractice Through Track and Trace