Known by her artistic moniker Modernpours, Fanning's journey into the world of art began with a challenging personal struggle. Originally trained as a speech pathologist, she was forced to abandon her career due to severe depression. Exploring various creative hobbies in search of an outlet for her emotions, Fanning discovered poured painting during her convalescence from a broken ankle. Fanning's poured paintings are marked by their bright colors, unique textures, and a deep connection to her inner emotional state. Inspired by the scientific principles of fluid dynamics she learned from Huntsville's engineering community, Modernpours' art reflects a fascination with the unpredictability and uniqueness of each painting she creates.
Modernpours' favorite colors include yellow and Prussian blue, with a penchant for metallic white, pearlized, and metallic shades. Preferring not to use black in her work, she finds that bright colors have a positive impact on her mood, bringing happiness and light into her life. Fanning's creative process is fueled by inspiration from a single color, which she then uses as the foundation for the piece's color palette. This intuitive, feeling-driven process has become a crucial element of Modernpours' artistic identity. Fanning's journey in the art world has had its own share of challenges, but her talent and dedication have led her to create some remarkable pieces. Among her proudest achievements is a commission piece for a log cabin, which she created with the help of a fellow artist friend. The finished artwork was so well-received that the cabin owners built a special alcove to showcase it. Another significant milestone was when representatives from Huntsville's newly constructed Orion Amphitheater purchased 11 of her pieces to decorate the venue's artist area.
Over time, Fanning's artwork has evolved, reflecting her improved understanding of various mediums and techniques. While she often returns to the simpler poured painting methods, her ongoing lessons with an art teacher have enhanced her knowledge of color theory and composition. This growth is evident in her increasingly sophisticated pieces, which have caught the attention of various art venues throughout North Alabama. Fanning's unique style has allowed her to participate in several art shows and display her work at venues such as Lowe Mill Art in Huntsville and The East Village Art Collection in New York. A fan of The Impressionists, Fanning draws inspiration from artists like van Gogh, whose use of color and abstract forms resonate deeply with her own artistic vision.
For Sherry Fanning, her artworks serve as a form of therapy for her mood disorder, offering a sense of spiritual and emotional healing. Proud of her accomplishments, including having her abstract and contemporary pieces integrated into traditional homes as a "splash of color," Modernpours has indeed found solace and renewed purpose through poured painting—a lifesaver in every sense of the word.