Merrill and Linda are the co-hosts of Rock Solid Families Podcast as well as the co-founders of Rock Solid Families, a 501c3 nonprofit, faith-based organization. Combined, they have over 70 years of experience in teaching, counseling, ministry, coaching and public speaking. In 2018, they left their full time positions in the Church and public school system to focus on strengthening families. Their goal is to guide and empower families to be all that God wants for them to be. In this episode, they talk about the heaviness of grief, the five not-so-linear stages of grief, and seven ways to help others through the grieving process.
“Everyone grieves differently, and there's no one right way to grieve. And so we're just here to give you permission to grieve, whether that be in anger, depression, denial, or acceptance. It doesn’t mean you didn't love that person, it means that you have decided to keep moving on in life,” explains co-host Linda Hutchinson. When you are dealing with a tragedy like a death or a loss, there are several stages of grief that you may experience. People often talk about these stages as if they are linear, but in reality, you may bounce back and forth between them as you process your emotions. Today, co-hosts Merrill and Linda Hutchinson talk about the heaviness of grief and seven things to consider doing when helping others through the grieving process.
Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Merrill and Linda Hutchinson on your preferred podcast channel.
In this podcast, the host covers:
What the Bible says about grief
What the 5 stages of grief are
Why acceptance often comes with guilt
How people can end up stuck in their grief
The seven things you can do to help someone through their grief
Podcast Quotes:
“When you finally start to experience the reality of a loss, we’re not denying it, we're not bargaining out of it. Depression is actually a good sign that you are coming out of it.” (9:59-10:12 | Linda)
“People have to solve their own problems. They have to walk through their own stuff. And so giving advice that is unsolicited, most of the time is really hurtful.” (15:05-15:15 | Merrill)
“Don't assume that somebody should progress at a certain rate.” (16:49-16:53 | Merrill)
“Talk less, listen more.” (20:18-20:20 | Merrill)
“Everyone grieves differently, and there's no one right way to grieve. We're just here to give you permission to grieve, whether that be in anger, depression, denial, or acceptance. It’s not meaning you didn't love that person, it means that you have decided to keep moving on in life.” (30:39-31:01 | Linda)
About the Podcast Co-Hosts:
To learn more about Merrill and Linda, visit their website (Rock Solid Families).
About Rock Solid Families Podcast:
Rock Solid Families is committed to helping educate, equip, and empower families to be all God created them to be! Merrill and Linda Hutchinson began Rock Solid Radio in October of 2018. They have over 70 years of combined experience in teaching, public speaking, counseling, ministry, and coaching. After much prayer, Merrill and Linda made the decision to step down from their full time positions in the church and public school to focus on strengthening families. Both believe that healthy schools, churches, and communities depend on strong and healthy families. This weekly podcast is made possible through the generous financial support of community partners. With the help of local sponsors and the word spreading through listeners like you, Rock Solid Families is helping to build stronger communities one family at a time!
Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Merrill and Linda Hutchinson on your preferred podcast channel.
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