Dr. Francisco Gutierrez is an internal medicine doctor turned quantum health practitioner. He was born in El Salvador and did his chief residency in NYC. He then spent 25 years in traditional internal medicine, starting off as an internal medicine physician in Rhode Island in 2000. He was named top physician by the Consumer Research Council of America and throughout his career he saw the evolution of the U.S. medical system. Although he lived a healthy lifestyle and exercised frequently, he still suffered a stroke at only 41 years old, leading him to begin to realize the importance of mitochondrial health and the lack of knowledge about mitochondrial health in traditional Western healthcare. When the pandemic hit, Dr. Gutierrez had been working in urgent care and he knew he did not want to go back into working in healthcare in the same way he had in the past. Instead, he chose to open his own membership based direct primary care practice. In this episode, he talks about his healthcare career journey and the role of circadian biology on metabolic health.
“The top of the pyramid is exercise, which is important, but it's not foundational. The foundation is circadian health because that relates to the health of the mitochondria,” explains Dr. Francisco Gutierrez. Dr. Gutierrez has over 25 years of experience in internal medicine. At just 41 years old, he suffered a stroke in spite of living a traditionally healthy lifestyle where he exercised frequently. Then, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Dr. Gutierrez realized that life was too short to continue working in a system that was misaligned with his values. He decided to open his own membership based direct primary care practice, Solymar Direct Health. Today, host Meredith Oke talks with Dr. Francisco Gutierrez about his journey through the healthcare system, his decision to start his own practice, and the importance of metabolic health.
Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Meredith Oke with Dr. Francisco Gutierrez on your preferred podcast channel.
In this podcast, the host covers:
Why Dr. Gutierrez chose to open his own membership based practice
How Dr. Gutierrez’s stroke opened his eyes to the importance of mitochondrial health
How circadian biology contributes to the high rate of physician burnout
How sunlight and the timing of when people eat are major factors in synchronizing the body clock
What little lifestyle changes people can make to improve their circadian health

Podcast Quotes:
“When I started back in the year 2000 as a solo practitioner within the system, nobody was employed. No doctors were employed. Now, pretty much every doctor is employed by these hospital systems, and unfortunately, what that creates is an environment where the customer is not the patient, but the customer is the employer. I say that because I lived it and I lived it from both ends, from the clinical end and from the administrative. And so when you look at the statistics and you look at the rate of burnout for physicians, and sadly the rate of suicide by physicians, it's astounding, and it speaks to what you said, that a lot of the doctors, certainly the doctors of my generation, we didn't sign up for this. We signed up to be a physician.” (7:24-8:23 | Dr. Gutierrez)
“The top of the pyramid is exercise, which is important, but it's not foundational. The foundation is circadian health because that relates to the health of the mitochondria.” (26:40-26:51 | Dr. Gutierrez)
“Our body clock is the director of the symphony that is our metabolism.” (29:10-29:19 | Dr. Gutierrez)
“Go outside and walk, if you can barefoot, three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes every single day. But it's gotta be outside, no sunscreen, the fewest clothes possible.” (42:41-42:55 | Dr. Gutierrez)
“Being Hispanic in these latitudes north of where we come from puts us at a higher risk of developing chronic disease.” (59:35-59:47 | Dr. Gutierrez)
About the Podcast Guest:
To learn more about Dr. Francisco Gutierrez visit his website (Solymar Direct Health).
About the Podcast Host:
To learn more about Meredith Oke visit the Quantum Biology Collective website (Quantum Biology Collective).
About The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast:
The Quantum Biology Collective is a group of pioneering health professionals who study, apply and explain the emerging field of quantum biology: a new paradigm of understanding how human health REALLY works that is light years beyond the current established medical model. From the vast research showing that circadian rhythms regulate every important process in the body to emerging research that quantum mechanical processes are taking place in our cells—this new world is the missing link that you’re searching for, whether you’re a health practitioner, or someone trying to optimize your own health and your family’s.
We feature a variety of experts, from medical doctors to researchers to health coaches, who all have first-hand experience applying these principles—and getting incredible results—in their health practices and in their own lives.
To become a QBC member and get invites to live deep dives & access to our video library: www.quantumhealthtv.com
To take our 8 week practitioner certification in the science of quantum biology so that you can add it to your existing area of expertise: www.appliedquantumbiology.com
Listen to, or watch, the full podcast interview by Meredith Oke with Dr. Francisco Gutierrez on your preferred podcast channel.
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