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Frederick Marx, Warrior Films founder, Oscar and Emmy-nominated Filmmaker and Author Launches Limited Ebook Giveaway

Last updated Tuesday, December 5, 2023 13:47 ET

Award-nominated filmmaker and author Frederick Marx of Warrior Films will be giving away free digital copies of his three published books from December 6 to 10, showing appreciation for supporters.

Oakland, California, 12/05/2023 / SubmitMyPR /

Frederick Marx, an internationally acclaimed Oscar- and Emmy-nominated director and writer, has announced that he is giving away free digital copies of the three books he authored for a limited time – from December 6 to December 10, 2023.

According to Marx, he is launching the giveaway as a way to give back to all of the friends and supporters who help sustain Warrior Films, his California-based production house, which recently completed a successful crowdfunding round for his upcoming film, It’s YOUR Wonderful Life!

“Warrior Films is a small nonprofit company,” Marx says. “If it weren't for the generous and kind donations from people who find an affinity with my work, we wouldn't be able to keep our doors open. This holiday season, I believe it's important that I show my gratitude and give back what I can as a gift to all of the people who supported us.”

The books can be downloaded for free from Marx’s online bookstore or directly from Amazon, and are available in three formats: ePub, PDF, and audiobook.

His first book, At Death Do Us Part, chronicles the lead-up and aftermath of the death of his wife of 13 years, Tracy Seeley, from breast cancer, including his journey through the grief and the beginning of a new life. Due to the nature of Marx’s work, he was able to be with her almost 24/7 during the last few months of her life, and the journal he kept during that time served as the basis for most of the book.

“My father died very suddenly when I was 9 years old, so I grew up with a sense of death as being something extremely unknown and mysterious. And then, much later, when I was 61, I got to escort Tracy to her death, and I got very intimate, very familiar, and very comfortable with the death and dying process. It's a huge shift, and it outlines the emotional arc of the book's journey,” he says.

The second book, Rites to a Good Life, grew out of the more than 25 years of work Marx has spent studying rites of passage, originally starting with his interest in the transition for males from adolescence into young adulthood. The book examines all the rites of passage that can occur in a normal human lifespan. Marx explains: “Broadly speaking, there are two structural forms rites of passage can take. There are “social constructions” like the cultural traditions implemented by tightly knit communities between the eight stages of birth, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, eldership, and death. There are also rites of passage that can arise at any age from the normal course of human events: the death of someone close, a terminal illness diagnosis, the challenge of “coming out” as GLBTQ, even moving to a new place or joining a new family. We just have to recognize that what’s typically referred to as rites of passage - like turning 18 or 21, taking a first drink or having first sex, learning to drive, voting for the first time or having a graduation - don’t carry the depth and consequence that community consecrated rites of passage do.”

“For years, I've been making films about this subject matter, and, for the longest time, I was planning to make a long-form film. But I couldn’t get it funded. So I decided to write a book instead. I sat down and it just poured out of me; I completed the first draft in less than two months. In a sense, it's a compendium of everything that I've learned about rites of passage, about how observing and venerating them can benefit us all.”

Turds of Wisdom, Marx’s third book, takes a turn from the more somber topics of his previous books, examining his life through the lenses of humor and Buddhism. It is a non-chronological collection of short essays on various subjects, some of which directly relate to his 40 years of Buddhist practice and study, others having nothing to do with Buddhism. “I don’t know if it’s a Buddhist book disguised as a humor book or a humor book disguised as a Buddhist book,” he says. All the stories are drawn from Marx’s personal life and reflect his long standing interest in growth, maturation, and change.

“Human transformation has long interested me. My first and second books take that subject as starting points. With my third book I decided to turn that lens on myself. I then coupled that with my long standing interest in humor. I thought to myself that, since the world is in such a horrible situation, then maybe the most positive thing I can offer people right now is some laughter. That's the impetus I had for writing the book.”

Having been a filmmaker for almost 50 years, Marx offers the following advice for aspiring filmmakers and authors who may be hesitant to begin their own creative pursuits.

“Don't wait for permission from someone or to reach some level of expertise,” he says. “Just go out and do it, and you'll learn along the way. You should also keep an open mind – solicit input from friends and family and supporters and be open to getting your ego viciously pummeled, because this is actually a good thing for both your personal and creative growth. It’ll make your art work better and it’ll make you better as a person.”

Media contact:

Name: Matt Kelly

Email: [email protected]

Original Source of the original story >> Frederick Marx, Warrior Films founder, Oscar and Emmy-nominated Filmmaker and Author Launches Limited Ebook Giveaway