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Businesses must establish a code of ethics to optimize AI says organizational strategist Dr. Grant Tate

Last updated Monday, January 29, 2024 13:11 ET

AI is infiltrating the office, but companies have yet to introduce a robust, effective code of ethics that will guide employees and senior leaders to bring out the best in this advanced technology.

Charlottesville, Virginia, 01/29/2024 / SubmitMyPR /

Artificial intelligence has become a trending topic in the news since the release of groundbreaking generative AI chatbots. In our personal and professional lives, we have slowly introduced AI as a solution to our problems. At home, AI can teach us about various topics or simplify our hectic schedules. In the office, it can boost productivity and usher in organizational transformation. However, a tool with boundless potential is only beneficial when the user is trained properly.

Dr. Grant Tate, a transformational coach, business consultant, author, and CEO of Bridge Business Transformations has become an advocate for responsible AI use. The seasoned entrepreneur and business consultant was a key member of the team that designed one of the first personal computers in the early 1980s. After witnessing the dawn of a technological revolution, Dr. Tate recognizes how AI technology is also poised to usher in a more profound transformation. This is why he shares his expertise on how to use AI responsibly on podcasts and radio shows.

Dr. Tate’s experimentation with AI began slowly but became a significant hobby of his. Throughout his time working at a technology giant, operating his own business internationally, and advising companies on how to transform organizational problems, Dr. Tate has five major suggestions for businesses, particularly those with knowledge workers, that hope to incorporate AI into their services or as a supplemental tool for their staff. These tips are also beneficial for the personal use of AI, which Dr. Tate believes is a helpful way to learn something new each day.

Dr. Tate’s organizational code of AI ethics is as follows: Ask the right questions, disclose AI use, continue to practice, reflect on how the tool is used, and consider the unintentional harm of your actions.

Many organizational consultants take a similar approach to Dr. Tate when speaking about solving problems. Defining your objective and double-checking your answers is essential for asking the right questions. Without doing so, you will drastically reduce the power of your AI tools. Additionally, if you are using AI in the workplace, clients must be informed of this. This is critical to avoid legal conflict and protect the business's reputation. Dr. Tate’s third point on continuing to practice is important for gleaning the positives out of AI as well as learning how to make prompts more effective.

Dr. Tate’s last two suggestions are deeply interconnected. Contemplating your AI use and the unintentional consequences of these actions is important for understanding the implications. Dr. Tate asks users to reflect on whether they should use AI output blindly. He prompts them to think of the unintended consequences of doing so. Job displacement, algorithmic biases, and ethical

dilemmas in AI deployment are challenges that represent the extreme pitfalls of irresponsible AI use. However, smaller mishaps like misinformation can also spiral into larger issues if unaddressed by organizations and their staff.

“I like to say that I can't change the world, but I can help people who might,” says Dr. Tate. “By being a voice for the responsible use of AI, I can help people and businesses learn how to utilize this tool properly. In my experience, I think many professionals don’t know how to interact with AI or how to get it to work for them. With my career in coaching, organizational consulting, and technology, I can empower others to use the tool to their advantage without overlooking possible pitfalls. I advocate for a culture of continuous learning where AI and human talent are equally leveraged and strengthened. For this to happen, we really need to establish a code of ethics for AI use in the workplace.”

As the AI revolution continues, society will be forced to examine its choices, values, and vision for the kind of world we want to create. AI will either fuel the creation of an ideal world, or it will destroy the one we hope to design. We can avoid dystopia and complacency by proactively learning how to navigate the path ahead. Coaching and consulting, where Dr. Tate specializes, will inevitably shift as AI becomes more accessible and efficient. In other industries where knowledge workers are key, we must be agile at learning how to cooperate with rapidly advancing technology.

Media Contact

Name: R. Grant Tate

Email: [email protected]

Original Source of the original story >> Businesses must establish a code of ethics to optimize AI says organizational strategist Dr. Grant Tate