Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Trademark for “Funnels SEO” Granted to Damon Burton, President of SEO National™

Last updated Wednesday, February 7, 2024 21:51 ET , Source: SEO National

National search engine optimization company president trademarks “Funnels SEO™,” a term describing his approach to leveraging SEO for ClickFunnels and other funnel building platforms.

Clearfield, Utah, 02/07/2024 / SubmitMyPR /

President of SEO National, Damon Burton, recently hosted an SEO masterclass to share how SEO can lower cost-per-click and cost-per-lead investments required to implement effective online marketing strategies. Used in conjunction with Russel Brunson’s popular ClickFunnels marketing, SEO leads to lasting, sustainable growth in organic traffic and customer acquisition. Burton recently applied for and was awarded a trademark for “Funnels SEO™,” his name for this marketing approach, granting him rights to the term.

Burton launched his business and his career as an online marketing expert when his website flew past the competitors with more money and resources to the top of the search result. As his company, SEO National grew and evolved, so did Burton’s methods to include SEO for ClickFunnels. A firm believer in achieving lasting results without paid advertising, he shied away from using ads to drive sales. Instead, he substituted the paid ads many business owners rely on with search engine optimization to leverage the full potential of the marketing funnel at a lower cost. Burton now shares this proven strategy with other business owners.

While many business owners strongly depend on paid advertising to bring customers to their websites, Burton actively seeks to dispel the myth that ads are the only way to success. Instead, teaching others that search engine optimization is often more approachable and affordable than paid ads. His own success and that of his clients speak volumes about the possibilities of driving organic traffic effectively and reliably with SEO.

“For a business owner, marketing is everything,” remarked Burton. “Implementing an effective strategy is often the key to growing and thriving. I am thrilled by the results that others and I have seen as we have combined the benefits of SEO and the ease of ClickFunnels. Together, Funnels SEO provides all the resources to market a business effectively and affordably. And it’s something every business can do.”

A recognized leader in online marketing, Damon Burton has become an international speaker on the topics of organic traffic and online marketing. He is also on college advisory boards to help develop the digital marketing curriculum.

To learn more about Damon Burton or how he blends his SEO expertise with other renowned marketing strategies to achieve the best results for his company and his clients, call 1-855-SEO-NATL (1-855-736-6285) or go to www.FunnelsSEO.com.

Original Source of the original story >> Trademark for “Funnels SEO” Granted to Damon Burton, President of SEO National™