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William Nord is making waves in the Swedish gaming industry

Last updated Sunday, May 26, 2024 11:27 ET , Source: tcasinoutanlicens

William Nord, editor-in-chief at Spelutanlicens, is stirring up the Swedish gaming community with his strong opinions about the country's gaming restrictions.

New York, United States, 05/26/2024 / SubmitMyPR /

William Nord, editor-in-chief at Spelutanlicens, is stirring up the Swedish gaming community with his strong opinions about the country's gaming restrictions.

“The Swedish rules don’t help players, they chase them away,” says Nord.

Sweden introduced its current rules and licensing for online gaming in 2019, but according to Nord, these rules are too strict and take away the fun for Swedish players. That’s why he prefers gaming platforms without a Swedish license, both privately and at Spelutanlicens. The Swedish license is one of the strictest in the industry, and more and more Swedish players choose to play on platforms that don’t hold a Swedish license. The main reasons are bonuses, payment methods, game selection, and ease of use.

“Sweden has a society built on control,” says Nord. He draws parallels to the country's alcohol monopoly, which, like the gaming laws, is said to be there to protect the population against harmful addiction.

“Adults can decide for themselves and don’t need the state as a babysitter,” says Nord. He is very critical of how Sweden has chosen to handle online gaming and believes that there are basically only disadvantages to playing on Swedish platforms.

Lack of promotions

Many players choose online gaming platforms based on which bonuses are offered. It’s not unusual to get a bonus on your first three deposits, free spins, cashback, and several generous bonuses and VIP programs to look forward to. It makes players feel appreciated and important.

Platforms with a Swedish license have chosen a completely different system. There, players can only get one bonus per license holder, and since many of the biggest platforms are tied to the same license holder, the players miss out on bonuses. The few bonuses that are available are not only very small but also come with wagering requirements.

“It’s stingy,” Nord remarks, “making you feel unwelcome and unimportant.” He believes that the state's surveillance has gone too far and that it doesn’t benefit the players. He also points out that there is no evidence to suggest that bonuses lead to risky behavior, nor is there data indicating that players on platforms without a Swedish license experience more problems. “Completely ridiculous!” he exclaims, emphasizing his disbelief.

Strong opinions

“There are many reasons why we only review platforms without a Swedish license on Spelutanlicens. They are simply better and I stand by that,” states Nord.

A bold statement! Swedes are known for being afraid of conflict and for not wanting to cause trouble, but Nord stands by his opinion.

According to him, it’s not only about bonuses, but about the whole experience. Swedish platforms can’t compete with those from other countries, according to Nord, who has worked in the gaming industry for many years. He says that it was an active choice on his part to only write about platforms without a Swedish license on his site. He wants other players to experience the best, leaving no room for Swedish platforms.

“Everything from game selection to payment methods is better, and my readers deserve the best.”

Despite its innovation and modernity, Sweden has excluded several payment methods from online gaming. “You can’t call yourself a modern country and at the same time ban cryptocurrency,” says Nord, “it doesn’t add up.”

Nord is tired of Sweden's inconsistent approach to gaming. Not fully out, but also not wholeheartedly in. And it may be that he is right. Every year the Swedish Gaming Authority conducts a survey on Swedes' gaming habits. It says, among other things, that players mainly choose to visit foreign platforms because they get better offers and bigger bonuses there. Most people who have visited a platform without a Swedish license choose to return.

“I don't care”

Gaming will always be a hot topic that divides the crowd. For most people it's just a fun hobby, but for a few it can have significant consequences. Nord doesn’t deny that some kind of regulation is needed, and he doesn’t recommend anyone to play on platforms that have no license at all. The majority of the platforms featured on Spelutanlicens are licensed in Malta and Curaçao—countries that, according to Nord, adopt a more favorable approach to gaming.

We can't help but wonder how his opinions and statements will be received in Sweden.

“Frankly, I don't really care. I don’t mean to be rude, but I strongly believe that Swedish players deserve to have fun, without the government's involvement. My site provides correct and unbiased information, so players can enjoy all the benefits that come with platforms without a Swedish license, but still be safe.”

We can only agree, and wish Nord all the best in the future.

Original Source of the original story >> William Nord is making waves in the Swedish gaming industry