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What it Means to Be a True Leader: Walter Shine’s Upcoming 10 Qualities of an Inspiring Leader Book

Last updated Tuesday, June 25, 2024 20:12 ET , Source: Walter Shine

Drawing from his over 30 years of experience, Walter Shine, a seasoned leader, public speaker, and business owner, announces an upcoming book delving into the nuances of being a true leader.

Rohnert Park, California, 06/25/2024 / SubmitMyPR /

After over 30 years of succeeding as an entrepreneur and leader, Walter Shine announced an upcoming book, Being a True Leader: 10 Qualities of an Inspiring Leader. Currently, in the process of writing, Walter is dedicated to tapping into his extensive experience gained throughout the years to inspire, educate, and promote a new era of leadership—one driven by integrity, trust, and care.

Walter Shine, Author of ‘Being a True Leader’ book

As someone who has always studied leadership techniques, strategies, and styles, he has found his niche in the honest, ethical realm, exceeding everyone’s expectations—including his own—of what a dedicated leader could become. Walter’s approach gained him respect and renown, turning him into a national public speaker on organizational leadership, core values, and morality.

His focus on provoking contemplation will be reflected in each chapter, written impactfully to empower leaders as they embark on a rewarding journey of choosing to do the right thing. In a powerful step to centralizing the leadership definition, Walter assigned a meaning to each letter of LEADERSHIP; this acronym will become the book’s nucleus, inspiring readers as they immerse themselves in Walter’s unique narrative.

L stands for loving heart, which is what every inspirational leader must have—as Walter emphasizes, without that, employees don’t feel cared for, causing them to feel underappreciated and unfulfilled. True leaders have to also be Engaged, Aware, and Decisive, actively showcasing their dedication to growing the company and supporting the team. E, R, and S stand for Example, Role model, and Strategic. The last three letters focus on one’s core values—Humility, Integrity, and People—addressing the way leaders interact with employees and other businesses.

Though these attributes are driving his leadership style, Walter emphasizes that the most essential part of growing to be a true leader is identifying one’s core values and sticking to them throughout life. “I realized early in life that integrity and morality were my core values,” he shares. “In today’s world, we don’t see enough of that, especially integrity. With lies and violence on TV, politicians who can’t be trusted ruling the world, and increasing crime rates, the world is going in the wrong direction.”

For Walter, integrity is the most important part of LEADERSHIP. “Without integrity, nothing else matters. If you lose your own values, you lose yourself, and won’t be able to be a true leader,” he says. “People won’t follow someone who they can’t trust. Integrity has to be the foundational cornerstone of every leader, and each decision made should come from that place.”

Though Walter’s upcoming book is in its nascent stages, he already encountered nationwide challenges while writing. From witnessing powerful leaders without a loving heart to observing a culture driven by greed and power, Walter realized how deeply rooted the negative leadership mindset is. Being a True Leader is his way of combating engraved behaviors and outdated habits, offering leaders a chance to grow.

Walter Shine, a seasoned leader with over 30 years of experience, strives to expand his impact with the launch of his upcoming Being a True Leader book. Addressed to CEOs, executives, experienced owners, and aspiring leaders, he hopes to instill positive values that inspire readers to live up to their position of setting an example. “If you are a leader, people have to feel inspired. The only way to achieve that is by constant improvement and discipline,” he elucidates. “If you stick to your morals, employees will always follow and respect you. And it won’t be achieved through fear or power but through genuine leadership. That’s what the book is all about—showcasing that there is another, better way.”

Media Contact

Name: Walter Shine

Email: [email protected]

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