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HM King Mohammed VI opens the legislative year with a strong speech

Last updated Saturday, October 12, 2013 12:35 ET

HM King Mohammed VI delivered an important speech on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the third legislative year of the ninth legislature.

10/12/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

HM King Mohammed VI delivered on Friday in Rabat an important speech on the occasion of the opening of the first session of the third legislative year of the ninth legislature.

In this speech, The sovereign stressed that the pluralist parliamentary practice is not something new in Morocco. It is a strategic choice that spanned fifty years and which stems from the deep faith of Morocco and its democratic principles. This is why the Moroccan democratic model stands out as a precursor in its regional and continental environment, HM the King noted.

HM the King also called for adopting a status of parliamentary opposition so that it could carry out its role of supervising government action, providing constructive criticism and submitting realistic proposals and alternatives to serve the Nation's higher interests.

HM the King highlighted that the parliamentary mandate and the mandate of local councils are the keystones of participatory political practice, chosen by Moroccans, and which will be incomplete in the absence of the two components. The importance of the two mandates lies not only in the good management of public affairs, but also in the will to serve the nation's higher interests and defend its just causes, mainly Morocco's territorial integrity, HM the King said.

In this context, the Sovereign underscored that "the Sahara issue faced this year huge challenges which we succeeded in addressing thanks to the relevance of our proposal and legitimacy of our cause," noting that "we should not be satisfied with winning this battle or giving in to blind optimism."
The Sovereign noted some mistakes in dealing with the main national cause, despite serious initiatives undertaken by some MPs that are not enough, which encourage our foes to double efforts in their attempts to undermine our country.

The monarch explained that this is due to the fact that most actors are not mobilized unless in case of imminent danger threatening our territorial integrity, as if they are waiting for the green light to do anything, while we should drive them back by anticipating events and responding positively to them.

In fact, the Sahara issue is not only the responsibility of the King, but it is also the cause of each and every one: state institutions, parliament, elected councils, and political, trade union and economic actors, civil society organizations, media and all citizens, HM the King said, recalling again that "the source of our strength, in defending our Sahara, lies in the unanimity of all segments of the Moroccan people over their sacred values."

HM the King called for a strong mobilization and vigilance, and efficient initiatives, at home and abroad, to counter the nation's adversaries wherever they are and foil their illegitimate goals.

It is incumbent on the parliament to elaborate an efficient action plan, using all parliamentary tools, to continue defending our territorial integrity, by putting aside antagonisms between majority and opposition, HM the King underlined.

Members of parliament and local and regional elected members, mainly in our southern provinces, should shoulder their responsibilities as representatives of the region's inhabitants and counter the country's enemies, the sovereign underlined.

As supreme representative of the State, symbol of the nation's unity, the monarch said that he will spare no effort to preserve the kingdom's territorial integrity, sovereignty and stability, "armed with the unanimity of Our loyal people and efforts made by all segments." He concluded.