Friday, January 17, 2025

Nutrient Rich Fruit a Miracle Cure for Many

Last updated Monday, July 7, 2014 09:11 ET

Sour sop is a tropical fruit. Its leaves have been used medicinally for many years to treat arthritis, high blood pressure, inflammation, and even cancer.

07/07/2014 / SubmitMyPR /

Dr. Dennis Grant has embarked on yet a new wave of helping others. The outspoken pastor and community activist catapulted to notoriety in the early nineties as a result of his efforts in helping juvenile delinquents turn their lives around through mentorship and championing social justice. In the nineties, he mentored over 50 at risk young men and lobbied Governor Jeb Bush for clemency for Lionel Tate, the youngest person to ever be charged for murder at the time. He also reunited “Baby Sunshine” with her mother after being left at a fire station. He fought for social justice for Oral Brown, who died as a result of being hogtied by BSO and led a demonstration for justice for two brothers killed in the I-95 by a drunk driving FBI officer.

Now in 2014, while caring for his wife who has Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Grant is creating a stir and making what is being called the miracle herb available. Sour sop leaves have been used medicinally for many years to treat arthritis, high blood pressure, inflammation, and even cancer.

Sour sop, which is also known as guanabana and graviola, is a fruit rich in vitamins C, B1 and B2 and grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions. In 1976 the National Cancer Institute conducted its initial tests on sour sop leaves and stems. These tests found that sour sop leaves and stems effectively inhibit enzyme processes in the membranes of some cancer cells. Furthermore, only malignant cells were targeted leaving healthy cells alone. Modern cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy destroy all cells—malignant and healthy. Sour sop leaves only destroy cancer cells.

R. Lally, a man who successfully healed prostate and bladder cancer with sour sop leaves explains, “In April of 2011 I was diagnosed with prostate and bladder cancer. My doctor’s recommendation was surgery to remove both organs. He also confirmed that would make me impotent and I would have to wear an external bag for the rest of my life. I chose to bypass the surgery and started my own research to find alternative treatment. In my search I found an article that explained the effects of sour sop on cancer cells. I started a daily regimen on sour sop about two years and low and behold the mass has been steadily shrinking. Today I feel great and more importantly I have no negative effects from drinking sour sop.”

The results of the National Cancer Institute’s test were published internally and information about the healing potential of sour sop leaves was suppressed. However, private studies have found similar results. A study at Purdue University found sour sop kills cancer cells and is especially effective against lung, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center also reports that sour sop extract can be an effective treatment against breast and liver cancer cells.

Personal anecdotes also support the amazing healing power of sour sop leaves. Yvonne Kirlew has been cancer-free since 2003 after healing terminal lymphatic cancer by drinking a daily regimen of a drink made of sour sop leaves. Before she began this regimen she was near death, weakened by both malignant tumors and from chemotherapy treatment. Her husband started giving her the drink of sour sop leaves and she made a miraculous recovery.

Dr. Grant traveled to Jamaica to meet the Kirlews and learn more about the healing powers of sour sop leaves. He lost his first wife and two aunts to cancer, prompting him to search for a cure and make it available to the public. He even shared his own story of how he was able to cure his own health issues naturally with sour sop leaf.

He reported, “My high cholesterol and high blood pressure ailments are now normal after drinking the Sour Sop Leaf. Since April of 2012 I have not taken any over the counter or prescribed medication for these issues and my doctor is now baffled after attributing my remarkable improvements to the consumption of the Sour Sop.”

When Dr. Grant featured the topic of the healing powers of sour sop leaves on his radio show on WAVS 1170 AM in Florida, a woman called in to share her story about treating arthritis and sexual dysfunction successfully with the sour sop leaf.

“I used to have arthritic pain in my leg and since I started using sour sop left I am now pain free. My husband who was a big skeptic of herbal remedies refused to take the drink with me but somehow he stared drinking my supply and now he has much ‘more lead in his pencil.’ He is now a converted believer in sour sop leaf and our sex life is so much better,” she shared with listeners.

Dr. Grant has since been working to get the word out about how people can treat their illnesses by drinking a drink made of sour sop leaves. This herb has helped and continues to help thousands of people heal naturally.

To learn more about the amazing healing potential of sour sop leaves, visit www.amazingsoursop.com or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad0OOgoXFcU

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Dennis Grant please call 954-249-5073.

While the US FDA will not approve any herbal products, Amazing Sour Sop is in compliance with the US FDA having met their strict rules and standards. They bought, tested, and found the product to be in compliance with their standards. They are also in compliance with the USDA and operate with a permit from the FL Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

*Disclaimer: In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following: Testimonials appearing in this article were received by audio submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used the products. However, they are individual results and results vary. There is no claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use the products.

These statements and products have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to cure, prevent or treat any illness or disease. If you are pregnant seek medical advise before taking this herb. Not advised for children under 12 years of age. Individual results may vary. Caution: Do not take this product if you have neurodegenerative disorders or Parkinson’s disease, or are taking any anti-hypertensive or MAO inhibitor medications.