Local Veteran Gregg Maynard acknowledges the efforts of Ultimate Flags in supporting local veterans and the local town veteran park by donating a unique 9/11 flag to it. It is indeed an honor for Ultimate Flags to be recognized by someone like Gregg Maynard, who has helped hundreds of veterans with his non-profit service called Thank You For Your Service. The organization has contributed to several projects, such as building wheelchair accessibility ramps, major renovation projects, plumbing repairs, and much more.
“The VA helps where they can, but it can sometimes be a very long process, and some of the veterans I help need the assistance quickly, or it could become a health issue,” said Maynard. “So I have to go another route in those cases and ask friends, family, other veterans, and local businesses like the folks over at Ultimate Flags for their help,” he added.
When asked why the one-of-a-kind 9/11 flag was donated, Maynard said, “I donated this flag to them because anytime I have ever asked for their help, I have never been told no. That means a lot to not only me but the folks I help. They have even donated the flags you see flying in our local veterans park at the main intersection in town.”
The 9/11 flag is unique because actual New York first-responder survivors signed it. Maynard wanted to give something like this signed flag, which cannot be bought anywhere or found anywhere else. “It is truly the only one of its kind,” said Maynard.
Ultimate Flags takes this opportunity to thank Gregg Maynard from the bottom of their heart for this humble gesture. Embracing social media, this flag store is now available on all major platforms.
America’s oldest online flag store has been helping people celebrate the virtues and the ideas it believes in with the help of quality flags. With over 65 years of combined experience selling online, the team ensures that orders are delivered on time. The team is also dedicated to helping customers find a flag closest to their cause, heritage, or history. Stay tuned to updates on Ultimate Flags on Facebook, Ultimate Flags on Twitter, and Ultimate Flags on Pinterest.
About Ultimate Flags
Ultimate Flags was started on the Fourth of July 1997, making it one of the oldest online flag stores in America. The family-owned and operated company is located in O’Brien, FL. Founded by John Nesbit, Ultimate Flags features over 10,000 flags, including American flags, military flags, Confederate flags, national flags, Trump flags, historic war flags, Betsy Ross, Molon Labe, 1776 Flags, Come and Take it, Texas flags, 2nd Amendment, mugs, hats, tags, among many others. The company also designs custom flags and has made rare historical flags for the SCV and other groups. It can also incorporate a design idea provided by its clients.
Media Contact
John Hough – Ultimate Flags
Address: 21612 N Co Rd 349, O’Brien, FL 32071
Phone: 386-935-1420
Website: https://ultimateflags.com/
Email: [email protected]