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Resolve Executive Marketing Defines the Irrational Executive (exclusive-ceo-com)

Last updated Tuesday, October 29, 2013 14:56 ET

Resolve representatives explained how top executives, leaders in their fields, become totally irrational when marketing themselves to potential employers.

New York, USA, 10/29/2013 / SubmitMyPR /

In a recent presentation to marketing executives at a national conference, Resolve (www.exclusive-ceo.com) representatives explained how top executives, leaders in their fields, become totally irrational when marketing themselves to potential employers.

“Let me give you a hypothetical example of how this approach would play out if a marketing executive developing a plan for his company’s product,” a Resolve spokesperson said.

"A new marketing executive arrives at his company on his first day and announces a groundbreaking approach to marketing the corporate brand. This will bring great attention and increase the value of the product in its market.

He announces that this idea will change the company’s marketing plan forever because the marketing department will never have to spend money on marketing again. He recommends to the executive committee that they find a broker to bundle their products with similar products from competitors. Then present that bundle to consumers so they can pick the product that they think will meet their needs."

The Resolve presenter waited for this to sink in.

"Needless to say, this marketing executive’s first day would also be his last day with that company. This approach was recognized as being completely irrational and proved that the marketing executive had no concept of how to create value and demand for the company brand in the marketplace."

The Resolve marketing executive then really got the audience’s attention by saying, “This is how 90% of you – the nation’s top marketing executives – market yourselves when you are seeking a new job! Send out a resume and hope that you are picked from 9,000 other executives who are all talented, educated and competent. Furthermore, Nobody Cares. What you need to do is develop a marketing plan for your personal brand and launch that campaign in a professional manner.”

He went on to explain that Resolve Executive Marketing is a marketing company that develops campaigns for executives and works with them to create brand value and demand among companies that are seeking truly exceptional leaders to join their executive teams. “Sending out the same resume to every job you see posted online is not the way to make yourself stand out,” the Resolve expert said. “It is like the example I just gave of bundling your product with all the others and hoping that someone will choose you. It clearly does not work.”

The marketing professionals at Resolve have been helping top executives find top-paying jobs for more than 30 years. They understand that each executive has a personal brand and that his or her value must be presented to hiring decision makers before the first interview. “The value our clients bring to a company must be established in the first contact,” he added, “so that there is great anticipation on the part of the hiring company that builds until that interview actually takes place. During the interview, our clients ‘close the deal’ and receive the offer they are expecting.”

The Resolve methodology is unique in its field, according to the spokesperson. The Resolve team works with clients to define their brands and then executes their marketing campaigns to the top companies that are hiring.

Resolve runs the Entire Marketing Campaign. Resolve is responsible for all literature and educates clients on how to present themselves during interviews and supports them for up to 2 years.

The audience really appreciated the presentation, and most of the attendees left the auditorium vowing to never be an irrational executive again.

For more information on Resolve Executive Marketing, visit: www.exclusive-ceo.com.